Thank you for supporting the ministry and outreach of taylorsville Presbyterian church!
Thank you for prayerfully considering a donation to Taylorsville Presbyterian Church.
You may donate in a number of ways, please choose the most appropriate for you:
* Secure Online Giving using the button above
* Personal Check/Cash
* Stocks/Securities
* Planned Giving/Estate Giving - info available from church staff
Mailing address:
TPC, PO Box 507, Taylorsville, NC 28681
Gifts may be made to the general operations of the church or designated to our Picnic Shelter, the TPC Endowment for Youth and Missions, or for the care of our Building and Grounds. Thank you for your support of our shared ministry in the name of Jesus Christ.
You may donate in a number of ways, please choose the most appropriate for you:
* Secure Online Giving using the button above
* Personal Check/Cash
* Stocks/Securities
* Planned Giving/Estate Giving - info available from church staff
Mailing address:
TPC, PO Box 507, Taylorsville, NC 28681
Gifts may be made to the general operations of the church or designated to our Picnic Shelter, the TPC Endowment for Youth and Missions, or for the care of our Building and Grounds. Thank you for your support of our shared ministry in the name of Jesus Christ.